Monday, May 2, 2016

Want to change your Life? Procedure of Doing Meditation(Easy and best approach)-Nirmal Stiti Meditation

Why meditate?
On one level, meditation is a tool.
It can help combat stress, fosters physical health, helps with chronic pain, can make you sleep better, feel happier, be more peaceful, as well as be more present.

But on a deeper level, meditation is a doorway into the unknown. It can help us get a sense of the mystery of who we are.
Procedures:-First of all, watch this video!

  1.     Getting Ready: Though not compulsory, wash your face with clean water. Choose a clean place without much distraction with proper ventilation. Start off by sitting cross legged. This is one of the best positions because when you sit so and clasp your finger, the energy circuit, which always exists within you, becomes stable. So you don’t have to worry about muscles to keep your posture better. This can help prevent yourself from dozing off if otherwise you use a good position of Savasana. For this type of meditation, I bet you’ll do the best when 
      you sit cross legged.

2.      Relax: Take few deep breaths, about 5-10; but don’t take exhausting very deep breath. This is just for you to relax. So take some air, pass it out, and relax. Control your thoughts by just not controlling anything; just don’t let anything into you... Relax totally.

3.      Once you get your body relaxed, you become conscious about the Mind and the Intellect. (You know this – when you travel by train and you don’t have anything to read on, you’ll soon dip yourself in thoughts). 
      Better to close your eyes in the first place, for they are the windows of mind. Mind is a bundle of thoughts but don’t chant anything to get out of your thoughts - this might activate another part of the brain which is not preferred at this moment.

4.   Breath: We reached the main part. Have you wondered "Geez, How can I sit without thinking anything?"? Well, you need to surpass your mind and the intellect, so you can think about your breath. Remember making them normal after the first few deep breaths? Drift your thoughts of the breath to observing your breath... not deep breath, your normal, uncontrolled, natural way of breathing. Amazing feeling...
      Observe it... you'll feel that it enters through the nostrils and travels till the abdomen... well, not really, if you continue observing this. You'll feel your breath travelling lesser and lesser distance, soon travelling only till your manly (or womanly) chest. Hey, not just till the chest, it shortens and thins and gradually confines itself into travelling only through the nostrils... you won't feel it going to your lungs!!! Don't Panic. Continue and you will find that it confines to just a small spot between your eyebrows. 

      Are you thinking that the oxygen is not reaching the lungs and you’ll die soon? Added to this is the irritation of itching and worse feeling all over your body, especially your face. Well, this is the moment. You are being showered by cosmic energy (This is a million dollar topic and we'll deal about it later). You now live with this energy, and not oxygen. You now slide away to absolute no-thought-state – Nirmal StitiCongratulations. This will help your spirit to get ready for Astral Travel. (We'll deal about it later). 
      This is the moment we have been waiting for. Stay so as long as possible.

5.     Finishing: Once you feel really exhausted and bad, you might want to come back to real world. This means that you've made some wrong move and that you have filled your mind with one thought, a thought of feeling that you are out of the previous world. This is normal. Once you become experienced, you'll know when to stop. 
      So what's the big deal? Hmm... It’s with coming back. You feel like coming back like a thunder (usually with a cough). But don't do so. Once you want to enjoy the old world, try taking a sudden intake of air. This would be difficult and will be once very small one. You should try to do that. If you can or can't do that, then exhale slowly (at least 5 seconds). Inhale again deeply, Exhale... enjoy this deep breathing for some 5 reps. Now, though not necessary, try Triangle Breathing (Inhale using say 5 seconds, Hold for 5 seconds, Exhale for 5 seconds. We'll talk about this in the coming article). 
      Now very slowly take your hands and rub against each other firmly and create some small heat. Now keep your palms on your eyes and enjoy the heat for some 5-10 seconds. Take away your hand. Slowly open your eyes. Smile.
6.   Now you might want to wash your face with clean water. This feels like ecstasy, though not even close to it. Once you get better at this, you can reach Nirmal Stiti in less than a minute.

      The first time I came across this was many month back. I just meditated. And I had a strange feeling. It was like awful feeling, with some awesomeness in it. Being curious, I checked the internet and learnt that this was a least bit similar to Meditation to Nirmal Stiti. 
      Of course I din't reach Nirmal Stiti the first time. So I read and inquired about this Nirmal Stiti and started practicing it. To learn this meditation, was like, against my logic. You know, this contradicts the 'fact' that we need air to live.
      Here goes the good news. I couldn't do it. I felt bad. But I recollected all about the word that started with 'P' - Practice. Yes, I did again and again. Its like learning to ride a bicycle. We fall hundreds of times. But do we stop? No. Because we were kids at that time and kids are well known for their 'Try Again' approach. They never feel disappointed, because they don't know what disappointment is. Yes, be a kid.
      Remember, being like a kid can't get you correct. You should have the kiddy attitudes with your grown-up intellect.
      We need air - these are what our world has taught us. Be a kid who doesn't know this. Be a kid who believes what they hear... and remember you heard only me saying that you can live withtout air in Nirmal Stiti. Yes, this is the inspiration I got from Yogi masters.

    Meditation has helped me to form all my other habits, it’s helped me to become more peaceful, more focused, less worried about discomfort, more appreciative and attentive to everything in my life. I’m far from perfect, but it has helped me come a long way.

     My tips:-
-> Don't take mediation as enjoyment but take it as a tool to achieve happiness, peace, and health, wealth and everything in life...and final to goal is to know yourself! Million dollar topic-who really are you and know you are infinite and you never die. 
 ->you can start today, and continue for the rest of your life.


  1. Having concentration and attention problems is not just a children's issue; It affects millions of adults worldwide. A recent study conducted in Canada showed an interesting, but not surprising, effect of meditation: It increases considerably (over 16%) the abilities of concentration in daily life, which generates improvements in the quality of life and an increase in happiness.
