Why am I lazy? What's the matter with me. I have no clue about my laziness. Am I doing the something that I am not interested in? Yes may be. Studying, who is interested in studying text books. I watch lots of series, when I watch series/movies I feel so good. Why can't I get same level of enjoyment while studying my text books. Everytime I get a thought in my mind 'textbooks are boring as hell, there is no enjoyment'.I think human beings are all lazy.
While partying with friends,watching good movies, Using facebook, instagram we don't feel lazy.
We're in weird position, our body is tired sitting in one position, our fingers are tired chatting but
our mind is in full form and actively working. Now this is my experience.But, is there a solution? I believe every problem should have a solution so I did some research on internet and people.
According to Wikipedia "Laziness (also called indolence) is disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to act or exert oneself. It is often used as a pejorative; terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potato, slacker, and bludger."
Laziness is a habit rather than a mental health issue. It may reflect a lack of self-esteem, a lack of positive recognition by others, a lack of discipline stemming from low self-confidence, or a lack of interest in the activity or belief in its efficacy. Laziness may reflect procrastination or vacillation.Studies of motivation suggest that laziness may be cause due to decrease in level of motivation, which in turn can be caused by over-stimulation or excessive impulses or distractions. These increase the release of chemical named dopamine which is a neurotransmitter responsible for reward and pleasure. In some circumstances laziness can manifest as a negative coping mechanism, the desire to avoid certain situations in the fear of countering certain experience and preconceived ill results. Many lazy people are not intrinsically lazy, but are so because they have not found what they want to do, or because, for one reason or another they are not doing it.
Other factor that leads to laziness are fear and hopelessness. It's not that I failed, it's that I never tried.
We discussed lots of causes why laziness occurs?
The big question is, is there a solution? Yes, there is a solution. You may be thinking, overcoming laziness is tough job but you're wrong. Overcoming laziness is really easy. By following given tips, you not only overcome the laziness but also you will be energetic all day.
You can work in two levels 1) Body 2) Mind
1) In the level of body
There is strong relation between you mind and body.

Ever been massaged after a stressful day? Your body is being massaged but your mind also feels the relief. Also, when your mind is relaxed you body is relaxed too. e.g. after a nap.

#Oil pulling:
Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.It will kill your
laziness. It's been month I'm doing it regularly, I strongly recommend you to do it.
For more information about oil pulling Google it.
#Exercise and Food:
Any sort of exercise that makes movement of body
helps you to avoid laziness. Your body wants to go in lethargic mode...Give it a motion.
I'm strick to the topic of laziness so I don't to mention other advantages of exercise. It helps to improve your mode, gives more control over your emotions. Your body is what you eat and you are what you think. Be aware of things you are putting inside your body. Laziness and what you eat are directly related.
In the level of mind:
Be Aware: Be aware of things happening around you. Observe people, nature and find quality in yourself that connect you to other people, nature around you. Do anything with presence of mind, with focus.
#Interest: It's all about interest. When you are conditioned against something, then you do not want to do it. This is laziness. Nothing else is laziness. Doing same work one feel totally lazy but other is enjoying doing it. It's really simple but practical. We need to understand that 'Everyone is different'
because of which this world is working. What if everyone is engineer? Who cook the food? Who sing a song? Who play music? Who dance?
When you don’t want to do something, you feel lazy. It’s as simple as that.
#Do not take you wants, you desires too seriously.
When the mind says, "Oh! I am feeling lazy. I do not want to study," do not give importance to this statement of the mind, because the mind is the machine that will only say what it has been programmed to say.It may say, “I do not want to do something,” or it may say, “I want to do something.” Our ‘wants’ are just an expression of how we have been programmed. They are not at all ‘our’ wants. If you are conditioned differently, then your wants will change.
Do not act on the basis of your want. Act on the basis of your intelligence, on the basis of your realisation. Laziness will come, just do not give energy to it. Just do not give importance to it.
#Know your Dopamine system of your body. So when you achieve something celebrate! Yes, even small is the achievement in your point of view, just celebrate as if it was big. You connect achievement with the reward system. When you celebrate, mind released chemical named 'Dopamine' which is responsible for pleasure. Now the science is, when you achieve something
you celebrate, which releases dopamine. So your mind wants to release dopamine more. But you have to achieve something. I bet if you follow this step you will be the great achiever. You mind won't stop without achieving something.
I'm new to blogging and writing. So forgive me if there's some error in writing and expressing. Thank you!
While partying with friends,watching good movies, Using facebook, instagram we don't feel lazy.
We're in weird position, our body is tired sitting in one position, our fingers are tired chatting but
our mind is in full form and actively working. Now this is my experience.But, is there a solution? I believe every problem should have a solution so I did some research on internet and people.
According to Wikipedia "Laziness (also called indolence) is disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to act or exert oneself. It is often used as a pejorative; terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potato, slacker, and bludger."
Laziness is a habit rather than a mental health issue. It may reflect a lack of self-esteem, a lack of positive recognition by others, a lack of discipline stemming from low self-confidence, or a lack of interest in the activity or belief in its efficacy. Laziness may reflect procrastination or vacillation.Studies of motivation suggest that laziness may be cause due to decrease in level of motivation, which in turn can be caused by over-stimulation or excessive impulses or distractions. These increase the release of chemical named dopamine which is a neurotransmitter responsible for reward and pleasure. In some circumstances laziness can manifest as a negative coping mechanism, the desire to avoid certain situations in the fear of countering certain experience and preconceived ill results. Many lazy people are not intrinsically lazy, but are so because they have not found what they want to do, or because, for one reason or another they are not doing it.
Other factor that leads to laziness are fear and hopelessness. It's not that I failed, it's that I never tried.
We discussed lots of causes why laziness occurs?
The big question is, is there a solution? Yes, there is a solution. You may be thinking, overcoming laziness is tough job but you're wrong. Overcoming laziness is really easy. By following given tips, you not only overcome the laziness but also you will be energetic all day.
You can work in two levels 1) Body 2) Mind
1) In the level of body
There is strong relation between you mind and body.

Ever been massaged after a stressful day? Your body is being massaged but your mind also feels the relief. Also, when your mind is relaxed you body is relaxed too. e.g. after a nap.

#Oil pulling:
Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.It will kill your
laziness. It's been month I'm doing it regularly, I strongly recommend you to do it.
For more information about oil pulling Google it.
#Exercise and Food:
Any sort of exercise that makes movement of body
helps you to avoid laziness. Your body wants to go in lethargic mode...Give it a motion.
I'm strick to the topic of laziness so I don't to mention other advantages of exercise. It helps to improve your mode, gives more control over your emotions. Your body is what you eat and you are what you think. Be aware of things you are putting inside your body. Laziness and what you eat are directly related.
In the level of mind:
Be Aware: Be aware of things happening around you. Observe people, nature and find quality in yourself that connect you to other people, nature around you. Do anything with presence of mind, with focus.
#Interest: It's all about interest. When you are conditioned against something, then you do not want to do it. This is laziness. Nothing else is laziness. Doing same work one feel totally lazy but other is enjoying doing it. It's really simple but practical. We need to understand that 'Everyone is different'
because of which this world is working. What if everyone is engineer? Who cook the food? Who sing a song? Who play music? Who dance?
When you don’t want to do something, you feel lazy. It’s as simple as that.
#Do not take you wants, you desires too seriously.
When the mind says, "Oh! I am feeling lazy. I do not want to study," do not give importance to this statement of the mind, because the mind is the machine that will only say what it has been programmed to say.It may say, “I do not want to do something,” or it may say, “I want to do something.” Our ‘wants’ are just an expression of how we have been programmed. They are not at all ‘our’ wants. If you are conditioned differently, then your wants will change.
Do not act on the basis of your want. Act on the basis of your intelligence, on the basis of your realisation. Laziness will come, just do not give energy to it. Just do not give importance to it.
#Know your Dopamine system of your body. So when you achieve something celebrate! Yes, even small is the achievement in your point of view, just celebrate as if it was big. You connect achievement with the reward system. When you celebrate, mind released chemical named 'Dopamine' which is responsible for pleasure. Now the science is, when you achieve something
you celebrate, which releases dopamine. So your mind wants to release dopamine more. But you have to achieve something. I bet if you follow this step you will be the great achiever. You mind won't stop without achieving something.
I'm new to blogging and writing. So forgive me if there's some error in writing and expressing. Thank you!
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